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Support Cantaleum

Cantaleum Foundation

The goal of the non-profit Cantaleum Foundation is to support children and young people in their academic and musical development, because making music has a positive effect on learning motivation and academic success. With this purpose in mind, the foundation operates, sustains, and financially supports the private school Cantaleum Zurich, which combines challenging musical training and academic education in the same institution.


Foundation board:

Konrad von Aarburg 
Dr. Maja Coradi Vellacott
Dr. Jürg Frey
Werner Patrick Pfenninger

Thomas von Stockar 

Become a donor

The Cantaleum Foundation is tax-exempt in the Canton of Zurich. Donations to the foundation are tax-deductible in most cantons. For more information, please see the cantonal regulations for your area.

Banking information

Stiftung Cantaleum
Zürcher Kantonalbank 

IBAN CH95 0070 0110 0063 7965 8

Stiftung Cantaleum, Rubrik Stipendien

Zürcher Kantonalbank
IBAN CH88 0070 0110 0064 3720 8

Cantaleum Zürich AG

The Cantaleum Foundation is the sole shareholder of Cantaleum Zürich AG. The Board of Directors of Cantaleum Zürich AG oversees those entrusted with the management of the school.


Board of directors:

Christian Guggisberg
Brigitte Gardin-Baumann
Thomas von Stockar
Mark Macus

3 Ein Paradies.jpg

Banking information

Zürcher Kantonalbank,
Cantaleum Zürich AG,
IBAN CH10 0070 0110 0065 6645 8

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